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  • Cryobiobank series of high-efficiency vapor phase liquid nitrogen tanks can maintain the temperature of -190°C while minimizing the evaporation of liquid nitrogen, which is widely used for the storage of various samples.
  • Cryotrek series is suitable for transporting biological samples in deep low temperature environment (gas phase storage, temperature lower than -190°C), and can avoid the danger of liquid nitrogen release during transportation, and is especially suitable for short-term air transportation such as airp
  • The Cryorack liquid nitrogen tank has the advantages of low liquid nitrogen consumption and medium storage capacity, and has the advantages of light weight, less occupied space, high-efficiency storage of large capacity samples, etc. The cryo-racks and PC cryo-boxes are made in all models with lock
  • Cryolab series liquid nitrogen tank is a small liquid nitrogen tank for economic laboratory, specially designed for biological samples or transport samples that require long-term static storage. There are two types of products: storage type and transportation type. This series is made of high-streng
  • Kirin cloud gas wireless monitoring system consists of three parts: low-power consumption wireless data sensor(Smart Sensor G1/G2), large-capacity wireless data repeater (Smart T-Box) and kirin cloud management platform(Kirin Cloud). This system is a fixed wireless solution that can monitor gas conc
  • Kirin cloud LN2 tank cork type level and temperature wireless monitoring system consists of three parts: wireless level and temperature sensor (Smart Sensor LT), wireless data repeater (Smart LT-Box) and kirin cloud management platform (Kirin Cloud). This system is an industry-leading and comprehen
  • Kirin cloud temperature and humidity wireless monitoring system consists of three parts: low-power consumption wireless data sensor (Smart Sensor T1/T2/T2-D), large-capacity wireless data repeater (Smart T-Box) and Kirin cloud management platform (Kirin Cloud). The system can monitor the environment
  • Kirin cloud wireless monitoring system consists of three parts: wireless sensor with low-power consumption, wireless data repeater with high capacity and Kirin cloud management platform. This system has self-adaption networking, easy installation, convenient use; accurate data, reliable running and
  • In order to meet the needs of our customers for safer, more scientific and more efficient monitor management, we have developed a new monitor platform - Kirin Cloud Management Platform.
Danclan Biotech Chengdu Co., LTD.
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